On August 22nd, 2018, researchers from SIP Lvse Jiangnan Public Environment Concerned Centre (hereinafter referred to as “PECC”) found two pollution sources around Jiangsu Tiangong Co., Ltd. located at No. A8 Tonggang Road in Danbei Town, Danyang City.

Figure 1: Location map of Jiangsu Tiangong Co., Ltd. and pollution sources

Pollution source 1: There is a sewage outfall at the lower end of the western fence, which is covered with black oil and is discharging a small amount of water, and the discharged water flows through the road and eventually into the rainwater pipe (there was no rain at the time of the research, so the possibility of rainwater being discharged from this outlet is excluded).

Figure 2: Pollution source 1

Figure 3: Pollution source 1

Figure 4: Pollution source 1

Pollution source 2: There is a pool on the northeast side of Jiangsu Tiangong Co., Ltd.. The water in the pool is green, with a small amount of oil floating on the surface of the water, and the surrounding of the pool is black and oily.

Figure 5: Pollution source 2

Figure 6: Pollution source 2

Figure 7: Pollution source 2

Figure 8: Pollution source 2

Figure 9: Pollution source 2

On September 6th, 2018, PECC reported the above situation to Jiangsu Environmental Protection Bureau, Zhenjiang Environmental Protection Bureau and Danyang Environmental Protection Bureau on Weibo, and received a reply from Danyang Environmental Protection Bureau on the same day. The report and reply on Weibo are shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11.

Figure 10: Report on Weibo

Figure 11: The reply from Danyang Environmental Protection Bureau

On September 13th, 2018, PECC received a written reply from the Danyang Environmental Protection Bureau, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12: The written reply from the Danyang Environmental Protection Bureau