On May 23, 2024, Wang Kun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Shexian County of Huangshan City, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic Development Zone, and director of the Management Committee, Cheng Liqun, deputy director of the government of Huizhou District of Huangshan City, Xu Yulong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Economic Development Zone of Huizhou City, director of the Management Committee, Huang Jun, secretary of the Party Group and director of the District Ecological Environment Branch, and Cheng Mingzhi, member of the Party Group and vice director of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Shexian County, and his party came to Lvse Jiangnan to carry out business guidance and exchange activities. The team visited Green Jiangnan to carry out business guidance and exchange activities.


Lvse Jiangnan first of all to the Huangshan City Bureau of Ecology and Environment, welcome to guide the work.

Huangshan City, Shexian County Standing Committee, Economic Development Zone Party Secretary, Management Committee Director Wang Kun said, Huangshan City Bureau of Ecology and Environment in early May received a research report on the Lvse Jiangnan, attaches great importance to the report, immediately together with the Huizhou District of Huangshan City, Shexian County, ecological and environmental law enforcement departments of the report of the points one by one to screen the specific location of the comprehensive requirements for the implementation of the enterprise's main responsibility for environmental governance, and urging the enterprise to carry out rectification to improve the enterprise's environmental protection Awareness and environmental management level. The future management of the park will focus on the following aspects; 1) point by point, strengthen the daily supervision; 2) both hard and soft, affected by the grassroots establishment, will increase the law enforcement squad input as a regular search for the investigation, to enhance the power of law enforcement; enhance the level of hardware and increase investment in equipment, and gradually set up the intelligent management of the park; 3) a combination of short and long, the establishment of a long-term mechanism, the enterprise institutionalization of the management and long-term management of the combination, long-term adhere to the strict attitude. Combined, long-term adherence to a strict attitude.

Cheng Liqun, Vice Mayor of Huizhou District Government of Huangshan City, firstly expressed her gratitude to Lvse Jiangnan for its supervision. After receiving the research report of Lvse Jiangnan, the company was immediately urged to carry out a comprehensive investigation and learn from the past. At the same time, the local ecological and environmental protection departments have adopted the supervision method of "strict control and generous love" for the enterprises, and the high level of protection promotes the high quality development; the enterprises know the law, understand the law, abide by the law, and further improve the level of cognition and fulfill the main responsibility.

Huangshan City Bureau of Ecology and Environment to comprehensively study and implement the spirit of the twentieth CPC National Congress and Xi Jinping's idea of ecological civilization, continue to fight in-depth to prevent and control pollution, accelerate the construction of ecological strength of the city of beautiful mountains and waters, and resolutely guard the bottom line of the quality of the ecological environment on the basis of a good job for the enterprise to accelerate to make up for the ecological environment short boards, and actively create a good ecological business environment for the enterprise, and to build a green and beautiful integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

Mr. Fang Yingjun, the director of Lvse Jiangnan, said that Green Jiangnan has always been adhering to the attitude of "we eliminate pollution, not to eliminate the polluting enterprises, but to promote the polluting enterprises to control pollution, so as to eliminate pollution". Green Jiangnan and the ecological environment sector are highly consistent with the goal of pollution control, to improve the environment, to help enterprises to high-quality development, and take the road of green and sustainable development. In order to comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful China, Green Jiangnan adheres to Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization as a guide, deeply implements the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, firmly establishes and practices the concept that green water and green mountains are golden silver mountains, and accelerates the modernization of harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature. Unswervingly take the civilized development road of production development, rich life and good ecology, and strive to build a beautiful home with blue sky, green earth and clear water.

This project is funded by the Chang'an Ci - Yangtze River Basin Ecological Protection Charitable Trust and supported by the Unity Green Charity Foundation - Sungkyi Program, which promotes the realization of the trust's objective of "ecological management and restoration of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin".
