01 Field Research Highlights

In April 2024, Lvse Jiangnan carried out many field researches across the country, in line with the purpose of discovering problems in order to better solve them, and actively helped local ecological and environmental departments to discover environmental pollution problems, and kindly submitted 25 environmental research reports and on-site research video documents to local ecological and environmental departments of many provinces; at present, we are receiving the investigative replies from local ecological and environmental departments one after another, as well as the on-site communication and coordination.


Video link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5YGKnniIMzFRWpMZ31CLGg 

02 Online data supervision

In April 2024, Lvse Jiangnan supervised and alerted 75 enterprises suspected of exceeding emission standards to the local environmental protection departments, of which 24 responded in the same month and 1 was seriously dealt with.


April Surveillance Tips & Feedback Statistics


Enterprises dealt with seriously


Prior feedback statistics


Enterprises dealt with seriously

03 Blue Ecosystem Construction

By sending letters to ecological and environmental departments, tax departments, and insurance agencies across the country to reflect corporate environmental violations, the company promotes enterprises to actively disclose and explain on the Blue Map, realizing multi-party links, sharing environmental data and information, and building trust to realize the Blue Ecological Chain. 2024 April, Lvse Jiangnan promoted a total of 90 companies to take the initiative to make public explanations due to their own environmental problems, and another 17 companies have joined the Blue Map to facilitate later feedback on environmental issues. 17 enterprises are stationed on the Azure Map, which facilitates feedback on environmental issues at a later stage.



Number of registered feedbacks for Blue Maps in April

04 Diversity in governance

1. Fuyang Yindong Chemical Industry Park Visits and Exchanges

On the afternoon of March 23, 2024, Fuyang Yindong Chemical Industry Park, Fuyang Yindong Ecological Environment Bureau visited Lvse Jiangnan to communicate with Lvse Jiangnan on the environmental rectification of Fuyang Yindong Chemical Industry Park. Director Zhang of Fuyang Yindong Chemical Industry Park firstly made a brief introduction to the park, and then said that since the park received the relevant research feedback from Lvse Jiangnan, it immediately convened a special meeting to deploy the implementation of the research report involved in the research of the 18 points of the 20 pictures one by one point on-site verification, and at the same time, the park attaches great importance to the opinions of Lvse Jiangnan, and will be active in the rectification and feedback.

Fuyang Yindong Eco-environmental Bureau Wang said for the environmental problems pointed out in the Lvse Jiangnan research report, has been in conjunction with the park one by one investigation, will require immediate rectification of enterprises, and continue to supervise the standardization of enterprise management.


2. Changzhou Liyang Eco-Environmental Bureau visited us for exchange.

On the afternoon of April 2, 2024, Director Wang and his team from Liyang Ecological Environment Law Enforcement Bureau visited Lvse Jiangnan. Director Wang said that since receiving the relevant feedback from Lvse Jiangnan, Liyang Ecological and Environmental Law Enforcement Bureau attached great importance to the environmental problems fed back in the research report, quickly sent staff to investigate and deal with the problem together with the staff of the relevant town government, and the verification found that the problem was true.

For the jurisdiction of the environmental problems of enterprises at the end of July this year to complete all the rectification work. At present, all the problems that can be rectified immediately have been completed, and the rectification content of the engineering category has also completed the development of the program. In addition, the supervision of water-related enterprises in the region will be strengthened, the treatment of polluted rivers in the high-tech zone will be completed by the end of the year, and the construction of regional sewage collection and treatment capacity will be accelerated. Liyang Ecological and Environmental Law Enforcement Bureau said it will strengthen environmental supervision, urge enterprises to improve pollution prevention and control, and require local governments to establish a long-term management mechanism.


3. Suqian City Ecological Environment Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau visits and exchanges

On the afternoon of April 3, 2024, Suqian City Ecological Environment Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau and his entourage visited Lvse Jiangnan to have a face-to-face dialogue and in-depth exchanges on the environmental research report submitted by Lvse Jiangnan to Suqian City Ecological Environment Bureau, indicating that they would like to strengthen cooperation with Lvse Jiangnan to jointly and intensively fight the battle of pollution prevention and control and further enhance the quality of the ecological environment in Suqian City.

Wu said that since receiving the relevant feedback, Suqian Eco-chemical Technology Industrial Park Management Committee combed through the report to confirm the 23 enterprises involved, the problem one by one sent to the main person in charge of the enterprise, arranged 8 comrades to supervise the enterprise rectification in place, on the disposal of waste equipment, joint environmental protection and security departments to require enterprises to reasonably comply with the requirements of the disposal of clean.

Environmental governance should be led by the government, the government in the supervision of service, in the service of supervision, and Lvse Jiangnan is in the supervision of service, in the service of supervision, fully rely on the ecological environment sector to solve the problem. Environmental governance and improvement is the goal of Lvse Jiangnan and the ecological environment sector, but also the common goal of the whole society. Lvse Jiangnan, as a social organization, participates in environmental governance, adheres to high-quality development as a hard truth in the new era, and unswervingly contributes to the construction of a beautiful China.


4. Lianyungang Banqiao Industrial Park Management Committee visited us for exchange

On the afternoon of April 7, 2024, Wang Dong, deputy secretary of the management committee of Lianyungang Banqiao Industrial Park, and his party visited Lvse Jiangnan to communicate with Lvse Jiangnan on the environmental rectification of Lianyungang Banqiao Industrial Park and Bao Lian Science and Technology Industrial Park.

The management committee of Lianyungang Banqiao Industrial Park expressed their gratitude to Lvse Jiangnan for their supervision. Since receiving the Lvse Jiangnan research report, Lianyungang Lianyun District District Municipal Bureau are very important to the problems reflected in the report one by one against the rectification. At present, the first results, follow-up continuous supervision of continuous improvement. Lianyungang Banqiao Industrial Park Management Committee Deputy Secretary Wang Dong said there are weaknesses in supervision, thanks again for the attention of Lvse Jiangnan.


5. Bengbu Bureau of Ecology and Environment visits and exchanges

On the afternoon of April 9, 2024, Bengbu City, Anhui Province Ecological Environment Bureau and his party visited Lvse Jiangnan to give timely face-to-face feedback and exchange on the two environmental site research reports recently submitted by Lvse Jiangnan to Bengbu City Ecological Environment Bureau.

Shen said that Bengbu City Ecological Environment Bureau in receiving Lvse Jiangnan on the Bengbu Guzhen Chemical Park and Huaishang Economic Development Zone two research report attaches great importance to, and the first time the joint management committee of the park, the park environmental protection office set up a task force to work overtime on the research report reflected in the problem of one by one mapping and on-site investigation. In the process of on-site investigation, citing one to reflect on the other, really tough, and make every effort to grasp the outstanding problems rectification, the establishment of a sound long-term mechanism, scientific and standardized implementation of the park's environmental governance work, coordination of the park level, enterprise level, infrastructure level of multi-measures and integrated governance.

Director Shen also said that the Ecological Environment Bureau, as a supervisory department, needs to actively help enterprises to do a good job of rectifying problems and improve the environmental management capacity of parks and enterprises on site. In resolutely guarding the bottom line of ecological environmental quality based on good service work for enterprises, accelerate to make up for the short board of ecological environment, and actively create a good ecological business environment for enterprises to accelerate the construction of green Yangtze River Delta integration, Huaihe River ecological economic zone in Anhui green ecological corridor.


6. Maanshan Eco-Environmental Bureau visited us for exchanges

On the morning of April 12, 2024, a delegation from Maanshan Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Anhui Province visited Lvse Jiangnan to provide on-site feedback and exchange views on the environmental issues reflected by Lvse Jiangnan regarding the Dangtu Chemical Industry Park in Maanshan and the New Material Industrial Park in Cihu Development Zone.

Maanshan City Bureau of Ecology and Environment said that since the receipt of the relevant feedback, the leadership of the municipal bureau attaches great importance to the 2 areas involved in all the points one by one against and rectification. At the same time also said that the enterprise on environmental protection to push the level, the enterprise development process does have environmental problems, we do not avoid the problem, on the one hand, to help enterprises solve problems, on the other hand, we also want to serve the economic development of enterprises. Punishment is not the purpose, but to help enterprises to sustainable development.


7. Visit from Shiyan Township

On the afternoon of April 19, 2024, the deputy mayor of Shiyan Township and his entourage visited Lvse Jiangnan to communicate with Lvse Jiangnan on the environmental rectification of Shiyan Township.

Wang, deputy mayor of the town said that since receiving the relevant feedback, the town government of Shiyan immediately held a special rectification to promote the meeting, the research report involves 13 villages and 1 park, for the countryside enterprise problems actively implement the main responsibility of the countryside jurisdiction, for the park enterprise environmental protection office of the city management squadron for inspection and management, focus on mapping. Carry out pipeline network planning and other actions to improve the environment from the source of governance, infrastructure construction and renovation. The establishment of a three-tier grid patrol system for self-investigation of the surrounding area. Implementation of eight major actions, such as black-smelling water body management, solid waste and hazardous waste special action, industrial enterprises sewage remediation. At present, the problems in the report have basically been rectified.


05 Focused review

1. Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge from the sea from the suspension to restart for what?


2. Japanese people file public interest lawsuit in solidarity with Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharged into the sea


This project is funded by the Chang'an Ci - Yangtze River Basin Ecological Protection Charitable Trust and supported by the Unity Green Charity Foundation - Sungkyi Program, which promotes the realization of the trust's objective of “ecological management and restoration of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin”.
