To promote the comprehensive green transformation in the economic and social development of the port and the port, Lvse Jiangnan conducted field environmental research on more than 200 building materials and wharf enterprises involved in 23 rivers over one year. And successively submitted 29 environmental research reports and videos on building materials wharves and rivers to the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecological Environment or directly to local ecological environment departments. It has been highly valued by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of the Ecological Environment and other ecological environment departments. The Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecological Environment has made important instructions to the environmental research reports on building materials wharf submitted by Lvse Jiangnan.


On November 9, 2022, Lvse Jiangnan released the "Environmental Research Report on Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction of Building Materials Dock", summarizing the research and promotion results of the past year. In the research report, ten suggestions are put forward for the implementation of environmental governance of building materials wharf. Among them (accelerate the construction of building materials wharf closed material silo. The building materials transferred by the wharf mainly include cement, coal, lime, sand, and so on. These materials are easy to scatter and cause dust pollution. Therefore, dust pollution is one of the most important pollutants in the building materials wharf. The construction of a closed material silo at the wharf can not only effectively control the generation of dust, but also effectively prevent the influence of wind, heavy rain, and other bad weather on materials, and avoid the loss of building materials).


On November 9, 2022, Jiangsu Provincial Transportation Department and Jiangsu Provincial Ecological Environment Department jointly held the provincial port and wharf air pollution Control and closed silo Construction site meeting in Taizhou. The ceremony was held to fully start the provincial port and wharf air pollution control project, and special plans were made to promote the closed silo construction of the port and wharf. We will further improve the environmental infrastructure of ports and wharves. The meeting stressed that the construction of closed silos at ports and wharves is a major measure to control air sources, a first step to prevent and control pollution at ports and wharves nationwide, and an effective way to build modern ports and wharves.


On November 14, 2022, Wang Rongjun, deputy director of Changzhou City's Conflict Prevention Office Deputy Director of Changzhou City's Ecological Environment Bureau, and heads of Wujin District, Xinbei District, Zhonglou District, and other ecological environment departments of Changzhou City visited Lvse Jiangnan. To exchange and discuss the environmental governance and rectification of more than 40 building materials docks in 7 river courses directly submitted by Lvse Jiangnan to the Changzhou Bureau of Ecological Environment this year.


Wang Rongjun, deputy director of the Changzhou Municipal Office, said that he thanked Lvse Jiangnan for its supervision of the ecological environment in Changzhou. After receiving the Lvse Jiangnan research report, the Bureau of Ecological Environment in Changzhou rushed to the scene to verify it and implement the deployment of pollution control work in each region. Up to now, each area of building materials wharf management has nearly finished; Two companies were investigated and four were shut down. Changzhou will actively promote the construction of closed material silos in ports and wharves of Jiangsu province by the Department of Ecology and Environment, and do a good job of preventing and controlling port and wharf pollution.


Then, Changzhou Wujin Ecological Environment Bureau, Changzhou Xinbei Ecological Environment Bureau, and Changzhou Bell Tower Ecological Environment Bureau respectively gave detailed explanations and feedback on the rectification progress of the problems reflected in the Lvse Jiangnan survey report. This is also a representative of the extensive cooperation between Lvse Jiangnan and the ecological environment department to reduce the pollution and carbon of the port and the collaborative governance this year.


Lvse Jiangnan will continue to pay attention to the port's environmental performance and promote the port to meet the requirements of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment requirements for the construction of the port terminal closed silo. Promote the harmonious development of environmental benefits, economic benefits, social benefits, and natural ecology, and promote the construction of green ports in Jiangsu Province.
