On the morning of October 11, 2021, Green Jiangnan communicated with Liyang Ecological Environment Bureau and representative enterprises of Liyang cement industry. Zhu Shujun, deputy director of Changzhou Liyang Ecological Environment Bureau, Tan Wei, deputy mayor of Shezhu Town, Zhou Tao, director of Liyang Branch of Changzhou Ecological Environment Comprehensive Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau, and some representatives of the cement industry attended the meeting.

The cement industry is a key carbon emission industry in my country, accounting for more than 13%. In the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, pollution reduction and carbon reduction in the cement industry have become the focus of attention from all walks of life. Green Jiangnan has combed key cement industries in the past three months and used new perspectives to help the cement industry discover environmental management problems and promote the sustainable development of the cement industry.

Zhu Shujun, deputy director of Changzhou Liyang Ecological Environment Bureau, said that thanks to Green Jiangnan's attention and supervision on Liyang's ecological environment, it pays attention to environmental problems in key industries, and is also a powerful supervision to local environmental protection departments. The starting point of Green Jiangnan is for social and environmental benefits. As a resource-consuming enterprise, the cement industry faces enormous challenges in reducing pollution and carbon emissions under the background of carbon neutrality. Liyang cement industry does not shy away from environmental problems, and actively faces and rectifies it. Currently, under the background of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and coordinated governance, it is actively promoting and rectifying, and doing a good job in upgrading and transformation.

Green Jiangnan said that we have always insisted: "We are not eliminating polluting enterprises, but helping enterprises to improve their environmental management level and achieve sustainable development." Under the background of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the cement industry will usher in more pollution reduction and carbon reduction. There are many challenges, we hope to communicate more and communicate more, through the perspective of drone aerial photography, to help enterprises discover environmental problems, avoid environmental risks, promote collaborative governance of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and help enterprises improve their environmental management level.