Supervision and Prompt

In August 2021, PECC alerted local environmental protection departments to 178 suspected enterprises with excessive emissions, among which 51 replied in the month and 83 replied in the early stage. In August, a total of 7 enterprises were seriously dealt with.

Diversified Co-governance of Chemical Industrial Parks

From March to June in 2021, PECC will conduct on-site environmental research on 14 chemical industrial parks identified by the Jiangsu provincial government, including 4 along the coast and 10 along the river, namely Lianyungang (Lianyungang Petrochemical Industry Base), Yancheng (Dafeng Port Petrochemical New Material Industrial Park, Coastal Industrial Park in Jiangsu Binhai Economic and Technology Development Zone), Nantong ( Yangkou Chemical Industrial Park in Rudong County, Nantong, Chemical Industrial Park in Nantong Economic and Technology Development Zone), Taizhou (Taixing Economic and Technology Development Zone), Yangzhou (Yangzhou Chemical Industrial Park), Nanjing ( Nanjing Jiangbei New Material Science and Technology Park), Zhenjiang (New Material Science and Technology Park in Zhenjiang New Area), Changzhou (Changzhou Binjiang Chemical Industrial Park), Jiangyin (Jiangyin Port-surrounding Chemical Industrial Park), Suzhou (Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industrial Park, Jiangsu High-tech Fluorine Chemical Industrial Park, Chemical Industrial Park in Taicang Port Economic and Technological Development Zone).


In this field investigation,PECC took more than 3 months to initially complete the field environmental investigation of the 14 chemical parks identified in Jiangsu with the help of high-tech means, new perspectives and innovative working methods. And so far we have submitted 14 environmental research reports to the local ecology and environment departments. PECC works with the concept of finding problems in order to better solve them, and maintains close cooperation with local ecology and environment departments with the concept of synergy and shared governance, especially providing assistance in the identification and prediction of environmental risks to the ecology and environment department where the chemical park is located.


In this field research on 14 chemical parks in Jiangsu Province, PECC formed friendly cooperation with local ecology and environment departments, and submitted on-site environmental research reports and videos to them with new perspectives and new dimensions of work, so that they can timely identify the environmental risks of enterprises in local chemical parks, strengthen supervision and avoid environmental and safety accidents in chemical parks, and truly give full play to the administrative functions of the ecology and environment departments in service in supervision and supervision in service. In this field research report, PECC interpreted the environmental risk issues found in each picture, screened the environmental on-site and control risks of chemical enterprises, helped chemical enterprises to improve environmental on-site management capabilities, avoid the violations of laws and environmental and safety accidents led by the lack of on-site management, remind chemical enterprises to fulfill the main responsibility of environmental governance, regulate chemical enterprises to improve the level of environmental on-site management, to promote the sustainable development of green enterprises, thus truly reflecting the role of PECC in the supervision of services, and supervision in the service.


After PECC issued 14 research reports, several management committees of the chemical industrial parks and ecology and environment departments came to PECC to actively communicate with and rectify the environmental problems mentioned in the research reports.


Build a Blue Ecological Chain

By sending letters to enterprises and reflecting their violations to government departments, we promote enterprises to take the initiative to make explanations through Blue Map, so as to share information and data among multiple parties (environmental protection departments, enterprises and the public), interact with multiple parties, build trust and realize the blue ecological chain. In August 2021, PECC promoted a total of 4 enterprises to take the initiative to make public explanations due to its own environmental problems.