Introduction: In order to cope with the increasingly prominent challenge of urban waste, assist government management departments and relevant social parties to grasp the relevant situation and dynamic data of garbage classification in urban communities, and promote multi-party participation in the reduction and recycling of domestic waste at the source. Vanke Foundation and the public environment the research center cooperated and jointly launched the project of "Light Up Community Garbage Classification". As a partner, Green Jiangnan launched the Garbage Sorting City Challenge in Suzhou. Up to now, more than 1,000 communities have been lit up, among which there are many typical cases. We will present them one by one in the form of stories.


The most unforgettable time is the time between the walks



I am a third-year student at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. By chance, I became a volunteer of Green Jiangnan. I got a deep sense of satisfaction while walking.


In the early days of filming, I often wondered, why did I choose to shoot garbage in residential areas? After a period of volunteer shooting, I found that the community garbage classification information collected, uploaded and fed back by the volunteers through the information publicity platform of garbage classification constructed by the blue map and on-the-spot research, can make the garbage classification situation in various areas of Suzhou better. Real-time dynamic supervision to promote the standardized operation of garbage classification. Every volunteer plays the role of an investigator and supervisor, and a small photo taken by himself may also bring substantial help to the optimization of the surrounding environment.


Suzhou is a city full of humanistic atmosphere, and I deeply felt this during the volunteer shooting process. When I was in and out of the community in the early days of volunteer shooting, I often needed to communicate with the community security personnel to explain my intentions, and over time, I became familiar with the community staff. When I enter an unfamiliar community, I often cannot find a garbage station, so dealing with the residents is also something I often do. Sometimes I also meet other volunteers who came to shoot at the same time, and they chat and laugh together. During the volunteer shooting process, I can also meet many like-minded people. Due to the intense schoolwork, I biked to the community every morning to shoot, and over time I developed a good habit of waking up early. Breathing in the fresh air and shooting against the rising sun has become a new way for me to start a beautiful day. The garbage stations in many communities are run by some grandparents. Every time I go to shoot, I will meet enthusiastic and interesting grandparents. They carefully divide the garbage and often help me lift the lid of the iron box to facilitate the shooting. Immersed in the atmosphere of Wu Nong's soft language, I was surrounded by the human touch of the city of Suzhou.


During the shooting process, I not only paid attention to the standardization of the garbage station and recorded the current status of classification, but also often tried to summarize how to take photos that better reflect the situation. During the whole volunteer shooting, I also found some existing problems in garbage sorting in the shooting locations. For example, although some communities have garbage post stations, the sorting bins are not complete or the garbage cleaning and recycling are not timely. Some residents are far away from the garbage post stations, so they only put garbage Throwing it downstairs, etc., I usually report this to the staff of Green Jiangnan. Seeing that my small actions can also contribute to the improvement of the environment, I also feel more satisfaction and pride. feel.


I believe that after more and more people join the volunteer shooting team, the overall garbage classification situation in Suzhou will be greatly improved. The optimization of the environment requires everyone's efforts. You are part of the process of creating clean air, clean soil and water!


The most touching thing is that "girl, walk slowly"



I am a senior student at SuZhou University, and I was a little socially apprehensive. I was surprised that I would be moved by the incident of garbage sorting.


Since there is no "little electric donkey", my shooting method is to walk, stop and go in the ancient city to see the scenery and harvest along the way. The shooting of garbage sorting is very interesting. During this period, I have photographed nearly 50 districts. Occasionally, there will be situations where the security personnel of the community "pose". That is, when I took a photo, they were dressed and stood beside the trash can with me. It's been recorded; however, it's most likely to happen to slightly older people who, perhaps, think they might make it to the paper.


Because the Gusu District where I am located is basically an old community, it may be relatively easy to get in and out of the community, and there are also situations where the community management personnel interrogate me. I have only met the security personnel of one community, or it may be because of the recent There are too many people who enter the community to inspect garbage sorting. He seriously asked me about the purpose of my visit and the department I work in. I answered them one by one, and he was willing to let me pass. For a person like me who is introverted and not good at words I said, it's terrible; but after the overall work, most of the staff are very friendly, I remember an aunt said to me when I was leaving: girl, walk slowly.


Not to mention how meaningful garbage sorting is to the whole society, at least for an introverted and occult person like myself, the growth brought by this activity may be greater than that of other people. I found that communicating with people, communication may not be as troublesome as I thought before, and even I found more fun after shooting and learned more about getting along with people.


What you see with your eyes, what you measure with your footsteps, and what people and events are recorded on your mobile phone are all different life experiences.


The most rare thing is that my family and friends come to participate



I'm Tang Jingyang, an intern who came to Green Jiangnan in a gap year. I didn't expect this organization to be so busy around the Spring Festival, and I didn't expect such an organization focusing on industrial pollution sources to be able to mobilize public participation. .


When Garbage Sorting Suishanpai started recruiting volunteers, every partner of Green Jiangnan participated in the process of inviting friends to participate in the activity. I also took advantage of the local people in Suzhou and actively mobilized my relatives and friends to participate.


What stands out is my aunt and brother. My aunt is very enthusiastic and is familiar with the garbage sorting sites and delivery times in the area where I live. I took pictures of 8 communities in one weekend, and each picture is very clear and detailed. I also do public welfare. She also brought her roommates to participate, and some other classmates have a strong interest in this activity, and some friends who went to school in Nanjing said that he wanted to participate and could not wait to register I read the blue map, and said that I would check in after the holiday, and I was infected by the enthusiasm of the people around me. They were not only willing to join, but also full of curiosity about my internship organization, Green Jiangnan.


Of course, I am not to be left behind. Not only did I earnestly photograph a lot of communities, but I also recorded a video and passed it on to every partner who participated in the garbage classification.


The most surprising thing is that I actually made it a subject



I was the one who was influenced by the above classmate Jingyang who led the whole family to participate. We met at a public welfare activity. Yes, he graduated from China Pharmaceutical University, and I was a medical student at Suzhou University. People not only participated in the garbage classification, but also accidentally became the third place in March.


It was an afternoon after the Putonghua exam, the sun was slightly drunk, I carried my slightly heavy schoolbag and embarked on the road of punching in the garbage sorting. I found that the community along the whole road from the back door of the school has not been punched in, so I decided to start first! After a month-long garbage sorting activity, 38 communities were finally lit up. At first, I just joined with the mentality of participating in public welfare activities.


Most of Fengmen Road are old communities. Except for the two communities on the East Ring Road, which are relatively new, the rest are old communities. Because the time to go is stuck at the opening time of some communities, some have just opened the door when they went, and have not been cleaned yet. What I see is the truest working state of the staff. Except for the two newer communities on the East Ring Road, which have garbage houses, the rest on Fengmen Road only have centralized garbage disposal points. The overall situation of broken bags of kitchen waste is not ideal. However, with the check-in and supervision, I found that the garbage classification in many communities is really good, with regular and fixed-point distribution, and the delivery of kitchen waste into broken bags. I hope that the communities that are not doing well can learn from the communities that are doing well. . Although this activity focuses more on the community situation, as a student, I also pay attention to the campus garbage classification. There are also new types of garbage classification smart boxes on campus. I think this is also a feasible way to classify garbage. Although it is a better pursuit for everyone to voluntarily throw in, but for some people, it is indeed difficult to implement garbage classification completely and correctly. At this time, reasonable community management can solve such problems. Greatly improve the efficiency of garbage classification.


During the whole activity, in addition to recording the garbage classification situation in the community, I also have a lot of thoughts of my own. I am very pleased to see that the community actively implements various measures of garbage classification, and the whole people work together to create a better environment. So I decided to take garbage classification as the subject of one of my courses. This is based on my down-to-earth observation of one neighborhood, and I have seen the development and changes of this city, which is worth studying and recording.


Community garbage classification is closely related to each of us, and the construction of a better life requires everyone's joint efforts. Thank you to everyone who participated in the garbage classification. Because of your promotion, we have more discoveries and thoughts. Looking forward to more partners to join us and light up the community together!